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Faculty Development Materials

The Center has the great advantage of being partnered with University of Kentucky HealthCare CECentral. UK HealthCare CECentral delivers high-quality live and continuing professional development activities to physicians, pharmacists, and other health care professionals emphasizing evidence-based practice, adult learning principles and innovative web-based technology with the goal of improving community health and patient outcomes. This partnership has resulted in the creation and dissemination of (to date) three online activities supporting IPE. They are: "Exploring Interprofessional Collaborative Practice and Education," "Facilitating Small Interprofessional Learning Groups," and "The COMFORT Curriculum," a collection of modules offered to assist health care professionals in their practice. It emphasizes narrative health care and patient-centered communication at the end of life.

Click "Interprofessional Education Portal" to learn more about online resources that provide training for faculty and staff involved in teaching IPE. They are CE accredited for a variety of disciplines.